. . . you don't know about me :)
1. My favorite Sunday morning activities are recipe searching, meal planning, and grocery shopping.
2. I love me a good dirty martini once in a while!
3. I have to change the channel when I see the ASPCA commercial with "Angel" playing in the background because it breaks my heart!
4. I cannot stand the singer Ke$ha or however she spells her name, and I have to change the channel immediately or I am going to punch myself in the head!
5. I am left-handed, but I golf and I bat right-handed.
6. I love labor. Seriously. It hurts, but it's truly such an amazing experience.
7. I DESPISE cliches.
8. I didn't learn until probably late junior high/early high school that you could guzzle water really fast from a bottle or water fountain and breathe through your nose the entire time. I always held my breath and then would gasp for air when I was done.
9. Pretty much all of my closest friends and family now call me "Mo." It actually sounds weird to hear the name "Morgan" unless it's from my mom or dad!
10. I am addicted to buying dishes and every time I'm in a kitchen store or even Target, I have to talk myself out of it.
11. I still journal and calendar events by hand.
12. My all-time favorite book is "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb.
13. It creeps me out to see two people married and over the age of 60 sitting across from each other in a restaurant not saying a word to one another . . . don't you think after being together for THAT long, you should have plenty to talk about?
14. I truly believe, from the depths of my heart and soul, that pizza was the greatest thing ever invented.
15. I always cuff my jeans at the bottom. 9 out of 10 times, it's because they are too long. The 10th time, they are my Mom jeans and I'm just still trying to look trendy ;)
16. I am extremely naive. You want my social security number? Just ask. I trust that you won't do anything with it.
17. In a celebrity comparison, I always get Sandra Bullock or Rachel McAdams.
18. I am in LOVE with Bozeman but if I had the opportunity to be closer to the ocean and eat fresh seafood every day and walk on the beach every weekend, I might go.
19. I gained at least 60 pounds in my first pregnancy because I ate two bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches and a big bag of Cheetos for lunch every day, among other reasons :)
20. My hair is naturally wicked curly, kinky and chia pet-ish.
21. I think if you're smart enough and have a good head on your shoulders and value the good things in your life, that money truly does buy happiness.
22. When I was in third grade, I had over 70 warts burnt off the bottom of my feet. Sexy, I know.
23. I have never, ever broken a bone.
24. I am extremely superstitious - my most recent one is that when I pull into my garage to park my car, if I hit the orange cone too card, which is my marker for where to stop my car, that means I'm going to have a bad night. I've actually put my car in reverse and re-parked because of this probaly 5 or 6 times.
25. I HATE flying and am convinced every plane is going down, and when I watch a plane in the sky, I'm actually watching for it to fall/explode/burst into flames, etc.
As if I'm not honest enough, here's a bit more to me you might care to know :). Happy Sunday everyone! Stay tuned for LOTS of photo blogging this week!