
blogging every day now!

Well, I'm turning over a crisp, newly fallen leaf starting . . . NOW!

I absolutely love the month of October. Fall is by far my favorite season, and although I miss the New England colors, the Rocky Mountain colors are really just as beautiful in a whole different way. It may be mostly gold and orange around here, but the sky is always so blue and so clear, the mountains are capped in snow already, and the air is fresh and sweet to breathe.

My goals in this new season first include finishing things I've started. I think all that has been left undone has contributed to this feeling of restlessness I've been experiencing lately. It's simple things. The trim in my bedroom. The baseboards in our foyer. The constant backup of laundry. The unopened mail. The plants that need to be repotted. It's a long list.

I need to make time for the other loves in my life . . . taking a long bath at night. Crawling into a clean, cozy bed in warm pajamas and reading a chapter or two of a beautifully-written book. Digging out an old Food & Wine magazine and finding an overlooked recipe to try my hand at.

In my quest to spend more time with myself and continue being inspired and creative, I'm going to blog every day now, which I'm really excited about. There will hopefully be occasions here and there where I get to take a vacation with my family and choose to leave the computer at home, which is just as important . . . but I'm looking forward to continuing to share pieces of myself along with the stories of my clients.

Here is a fun picture for you all! Remember one of my goals was to attend the Sex and the City movie premiere with my girlfriends all dolled up? And I didn't get to because we were in Vegas? Well, the night the movie was released on DVD, I got together with my good friend, Kristen, at her house. The funniest part was that we decided to dress up in something Carrie Bradshaw would wear! So here we are, cosmos in hand :)


Happy Thursday!


Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

Love the picture of you lovely ladies! I love your spunk and zest for life--keep that going. It will keep you young!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! Love you and miss you like crazy.

Anonymous said...

Morgan you are unreal. Actually you are real. I love the way you live life. You are doing such a great job and I love your blog.