
post-christmas funk, anyone?

I feel sooo bummed. Ever since I woke up yesterday morning, there has been this feeling like something is missing . . . and it's Christmas! I completely got into the spirit this year, more than I ever have. All day, everyday, I bopped to Christmas music whether I was working, cooking or changing diapers. I go to my iPod now and it takes everything in me not to select Bing Crosby. I have to let go. I have to move on. I cannot hold onto Christmas now that Christmas is over.

I am trying to get inspired by the new year we are about to enter. A new year hopefully filled with a recession cure. I have been jotting down my resolutions as I come upon areas that need to be fixed. Finances, motherhood, the wife factor, my health, business goals, looking like Edyta from Dancing with the Stars by my 30th birthday. I have lots of work to do between now and Wednesday to get them all lined up on a college-ruled sheet of paper so I can cross them off as I go. I also have lots of items to cross off my 101 in 1001 list!

So I should probably quit blogging, get up off my big ol' Christmas-candy butt and start accomplishing a few things in this life. But before I go, because posts are no fun without pictures, here are a few that I've come across while browsing my personal photos the past couple nights that I never posted but think are darling. Yes, they're of my children.

This first one, however, is a photo I took this morning when I emerged from my bedroom dressed and ready to go . . . I turned the corner into the living room, and Ava greeted me - "We're on a plane!!!" She's a smart one - this is pretty much exactly what our row looks like anytime we travel. Throw in a few sippy cups, a couple $2 bags of pretzels and an empty glass of Chardonnay, and there you have it! ;)


I think only a mother might love this photo - it just shows the little baby parts we love so much . . . the neck, the lips . . .




Bath time!



This is Ava.


She likes cake.


Complete and utter cuteness!


Ava got a baby for Christmas who talks, cries and giggles. It's like having a newborn in the house again - Ava always crawls into bed with us in the middle of the night (STILL!) and the past two nights has brought her baby. And the past two nights the doll has woken us up with its cries! At least I don't have to nurse it to get it back to sleep! :)


Stella got some good presents too but this is all I could get of her Christmas morning:


And because I feel bad about posting a photo of her crying, here she is once I got her inside and out of her snow gear (note the hat head):


Merry Christmas Funk!


Anonymous said...

I was relieved to read "post-christmas funk"...I'm glad I'm not the only one! Hope you and the family had a good one! Talk soon!


Anonymous said...

forgot to mention...love the pics!
