So my very sweet sister and nephew are here in Bozeman visiting us for the week and it has been such a wonderful visit so far . . . lots going on in my life right now but this is the first time Danielle and I have actually spent this alone time together with no husbands around, just the kids, and it has been so freaking wonderful. I feel like I have a new best friend and it's even more exciting that she's my sister and not going anywhere :)
Her little man has made many appearances here. The Grant-meister is crawling, pulling to stand, sucking on my coffee table, and performing all sorts of tricks when his mom is sleeping in (buttered toast, a tangerine and a sippy cup of water this morning from his Auntie Mo, ha!!) It felt good to pick up the camera today and take some pics. Here's the handsome devil himself. Us LaMare girls make some pretty cute kids!

what a beautiful baby. Thanks for sharing.
I'm very happy that you are all together right now. I wish I could be with you, but maybe this time for just sisters and their kids was what was needed. I hope you have taken lots more pictures of Ava, Stella and Grant together so that maybe I can get one of the three of them together!! Enjoy your time with each other and make plans to do it again, ok?
I love you all more than I can say.
Oh My!!!! Morgan these are so freekin cute! What a stud! I love the one of him and the coffee table :) CANVAS :) xoxo Kandace
Such a little cutie! These are all adorable!
Great pics!! Get the cousins together, they will look back at those photos and love them!
Love- Matt
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