
a few favorites to pass the time

I don't have anything scheduled until the 26th of this month, so in an attempt to post something at least a few times a week, I went back and picked those photos of the girls that jumped out at me, and thought I'd share. And keep in mind, it is pretty much impossible to get them to interact together in front of the camera for me, so the photos are individual portraits. Enjoy :)

This photo was shot with my 85 mm f/1.8 lens, which isolates your focus point and blows the rest out of focus. Just a silly bottle, but I was practicing :) This is my current favorite lens.

again, this was shot with the 85 mm lens - ava's eyes are what's in focus, and the photo makes her lashes look sooooo long!

Keep checking back for more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never seen more beautiful granddaughters!!