
our weekend

It has been such a beautiful weekend! We have had oodles of fun so far, starting with just hanging out Friday night . . .

Saturday we went to little E-man's birthday party. Ethan turned one on May 8th and we celebrated a little late and had a wonderful time! I realized when we got in the car that we were there for over 6 hours. Good friends for sure :). And they literally live right around the corner! Anyway, I brought my camera and had a few opportunities with it so here are some of my favorites. Happy Birthday Ethan!

this is joe with his gorgeous niece, jordan

hamming it up for the camera!

the lovely rachelle with her husband, dusty

the birthday boy with his adorable mom, kristen, having a little cuddle time

jordan with her handsome dad, cody - apparently jordan looks exactly like her mom, who is joe's sister and couldn't make it because she was traveling for work. so beautiful!

ethan is a grandpa's man! kristen's dad is a very sweet guy.

the familiar stella bella!

joe and little ethan . . .

this is ethan's cousin, logan

Sunday morning the girls were so pooped from the party that they slept until almost 9:00! Carson and I were up and showered before they were. When they did decide to join us, we grabbed some coffees and hit the road for a little Sunday drive. Here's Ava and I at the coffee shop . . .

we headed over to livingston so carson could check out a flatbed at this junkyard in the middle of nowhere. here is the office. you gotta love good old-fashioned business!

ava and carson went to look at the truck while I hung around the car with stella and the dogs. here are a few shots while we were waiting!

I was shooting the junkyard off in the distance . . .

. . . when this little cutie came around the corner!

Overall it was a fun, relaxing weekend with lots of sunshine and good company. It feels like it is finally spring! Hope you all had a great one :)

1 comment:

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

It looks like a perfect weekend. Love the Sunday drive, coffee, junkyard, family time. I also LOVE the pciture of Ava's hair, my gosh Morgan she is such a little YOU. Your hair is beautiful if you want to see hair issues try mine on for size, I cannot even wear it down. Know one ever knows how long it is hehehe......
The pictures are wonderful and your family is beautiful.