
grrrr .........

So I'm hell bent and determined to use bigger pictures on my blog, and I think I finally figured it out. If anyone has me on their Google Reader, I sincerely apologize for it looking like I have a new post every 10 minutes today! I can't view my blog unless I publish it, so I've had to publish it a thousand times to see if my pictures look the way I want them to. Below are just a few sample images, yet cute ones. Last night we took the dogs to the river and went for a nice drive afterwards. Carson was showing me his latest job, and we drove past these super cute sheep or whatever they are (I can never tell). When Carson stopped, they totally stopped snacking and posed for me. I hope when they get married they call me to shoot their wedding.



We got back to our neck of the woods to be greeted by this glorious rainbow! I love how faint the Bridgers are in the background. Sometimes the rain does pay off :)

Also, I want to make a point to say, while this blog is the only presence I have on the web right now, I'm actually really proud of it and I get so much good feedback from it - I love writing, it's what I majored in during college, so this gives me the chance to do the two things I love, take pictures and write about them! I am one to wear my heart on my sleeve, and so I hope you all enjoy my stories of how I got this business up and running. It may look unprofessional that I'm sharing even the flaws with you all, but that's real, that's me, and that's life.

I got an email last week from a potential client who made my entire week, probably even my entire month.

Hi Morgan,

I heard about you through the grape vine of good friends whom are wedding and event planners.

First off, Love the Blogging you do... Also really like your photos. You know how to make someone feel like they are part of your event or weekend fun, very neat!

I know it may seem small, but this meant the world to me. Unfortunately, I was already booked on the day this lovely bride is getting married, and I can't convince her to change her wedding date :) What stood out to me most was that she found me by referral . . . while I am spending a ton on advertising this year, my ultimate goal is to be a referral-based company. What stood out next was that she loves my blog. I write this for you all, and I love so much that you enjoy my photos and stories, and I hope I stay interesting enough for you all to keep coming back, both to see my personal notes, and wedding and portrait images.

Happy Monday, and thanks again for putting up with my mishaps on this blog lately!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hi Morgan! Love the size of your photos, just wondering how you did it though, I can't seem to figure it out! I love your photos!