
let's get personal!

Well, just to update you all, I've booked another wedding for this year which I cannot wait for, and at this point I'm not sure I'll book much more for 2008 just because it's May and wedding season has officially begun . . . but I am so blessed to have been received so well by my clients, and my family and friends, and I'm so excited to be able to share with you all the images from everything I have coming up!

So in the meantime, I thought I'd get a little personal. I do want this blog to be a collection of all kinds of things, both personally and professionally. I know I have a very dedicated group of blogstalkers out there, and I don't want to let them down. :)

It turns out I will be employed for another month at the firm, which I'm okay with - it will give me some extra money to pay off a bill, invest in a new lens, and tuck some away for the good ol' winter fun. It's going to be a little weird at first. I've been working for someone since I was 14 years old! But more importantly, leaving this job is definitely bittersweet because these guys have been a huge part of my life out here in Montana, like family to me, and they've taken very good care of me, personally and financially. I thought it'd be fun to share the top ten things I'll miss most about working for the man, with my typical New York sarcasm:

10. Getting up at 5:30 to take a shower before the girls wake up. Seriously, working 40 hours a week is one thing - it's actually a 60 hour week if you consider what time your day really starts, and what time you get home!
9. Learning exactly how many days I can go without having to wash my hair because the girls decide to rise and shine at 5:30 also probably 3 out of 5 of those work days. Three is my max.
8. Watching all the stay-at-home-moms pushing their adorable kids down Main Street on my lunch hour while mine are holed up at day care (and no offense to my day care -they take wonderful care of these kids!)
7. Only having time to grocery shop on my lunch break and having to cram 3 bags of groceries and two gallons of milk in the teeny tiny work fridge, only to completely forget them there when I leave and ending up at the grocery store at 5:30 pushing one of those god-forsaken carts with the built-in cars that DON'T STEER!
6. Mastering what brand of dress pants can just be tossed in the dryer for a few minutes to get out any wrinkles (ladies, it's Express Editor pants!)
5. Reading stories about young, innocent people who have been killed in preventable car accidents.
4. Coming across photographs of them at the accident scene.
3. Being constantly reminded that there are no guarantees, and fearing that something just as tragic could happen to my husband, or my children, or me. Seriously, I've never worried like I do now. It's no fun.
2. Missing Oprah!
1. Being allowed two weeks a year to visit my family in New York.

Now I get to spend my days being a mom first. I get to enjoy cooking again, planning my menus and starting dinner at 5:00 instead of throwing some marinara sauce on a box of angel hair pasta and calling it a meal. I get to exercise (oh, joy) and go for walks and dip my toes in the kiddie pool on a hot summer day. And while I've had a wonderful career making someone else filthy rich, now it's my turn!

This weekend is supposed to be absolutely beautiful - 80s and sunny - and we have a fun birthday barbeque to hit up tomorrow and just lots of relaxing to do so I'll be sure to post lots of pictures. Have a great weekend everyone!

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