
more random fun with big pictures

I'm checking to see if I can get this right two posts in a row!



This is my gorgeous friend, Carrie, and her fiance, Dave. They have been together since we were 15 years old! Dave finally popped the question and they are getting married this August back in my hometown in New York, where they currently live, and I have the honor of second-shooting their wedding, which means the world to me. Carrie and I go way back, our families have been friends since long before we were born, and Carrie and I became blood sisters when we were about seven. :)

And this is my very best friend in the world, Trish, who is turning the fabulous age of 28 on Friday! I miss her to pieces, she also lives back in New York and we only get to see each other once or twice a year but the love is still there. We've been through it all and in our 15 years of friendship, we've only had one fight. We were living in Boston one summer and there was this old air conditioner we all assumed was broken stashed away in a hall closet. We ignored it until one 110-degree day Trish decided to dig it out and see if it worked, and sure as shit it did . . . so she put it in her window in her bedroom and enjoyed the artic air while our other roommate and I seethed in our sweat in our upstairs apartment. So I didn't talk to her the whole next morning on the way to the bus, on the bus on the way to work, and for about the first 15 minutes at work until I gave in and decided to just blow it off. She told me she knew I'd come around as soon as I "cooled off." That night, we moved the air conditioner to the living room for all to enjoy. :)

Happy Birthday Judy!

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