

So I'm in the midst of birthday party planning for the girlies - the rager starts at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow - and thought of a cute idea to post these little sayings on some of the cupcakes. You know, so all the little three-year-olds can read them and be inspired! He he . . . anyway, stay tuned for more pics from the weekend!

But, more than any other saying, this one stood out to me. I've mentioned my friend Kate and her family, who are currently in North Carolina while Kate's husband, Randy, undergoes an experimental - and so far successful - stem cell transplant in the hopes of curing a disease he has called Scleroderma. Kate has started an online journal documenting their experiences, struggles and triumphs. She never fails to end a post, or an email, with the word SMILE, in big capital letters just like that. So I want to dedicate this cupcake to her :) She is an absolutely incredible woman, and has dedicated her entire world to her husband and her son. I encourage you all to check out their blog and simply be inspired to make the best out of this world and the obstacles you may come across. I can't wait to see Kate and her family when I'm home in NY this summer! Love you guys!

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