
yes, more personal photos!

So in case anyone hasn't noticed, my wedding season hasn't officially kicked off yet. As you know, I officially launched my business in February by advertising myself on Montana Bride, and I'm very pleased with the response I've gotten. My next wedding is June 28th, although I may be second-shooting on June 21st. I also have at least two engagement sessions between now and then. I just signed on with Montana Wedding Guide, a new Montana online wedding planning service. I don't anticipate booking a whole ton more weddings this year, but I do see that I'm getting lots of hits from Montana Bride, so it does frustrate me that I don't have one or two weddings per month to be showcasing here! :( Hopefully all those sweet men who propose this summer, fall and winter will give me lots of business for the 2009 wedding season!

This week all we have seen is rain, rain and more rain. It's been a bit much! While I'm up for a rainy day here and there, this is overkill. I'm also ticked off because I got my hair colored and cut on Thursday evening, and Natasha even blew it out for me, which is my favorite because anyone who knows me knows my hair is outta control curly/frizzy, not in the pretty way. Well, because of this rain, my blowout lasted approximately one full day. But really, I can't complain, because in four days my handsome hubby and I are headed to Las Vegas with the rest of my firm and are planning on having an amazing time! I'm not giving away too much information on the trip because I'll be taking lots of photos and blogging from Vegas, so definitely stay tuned next weekend. I'm hoping to get out of the city and do some sight-seeing and photo-taking.

In other news, GUESS WHO'S WALKING?? And check out those leg muscles . . .

she's pretty excited about it!

well, she's been working out, doing some squats and stuff . . .


carson grabbed these next two photos of ava after he dressed her in his hat and sunglasses. she is really starting to look like me and my sister, I think.


we went for a little ride this morning after running a few errands to let stella sleep in the car. I had my camera with me and found some fun old buildings and doors that I always want to photograph . . .

I actually drive by this place a lot, it's attached to an old antique shop in gallatin gateway, and I definitely am going to bring a couple to it one of these days during an engagement shoot.


we have this tree in our backyard that blooms like this each year in early spring. you'd think the subdivision would have been smart enough to have planted these trees in the front yard. imagine how beautiful the street would be this time of year!

Happy Spring! And you've probably noticed my blog page is wider and my pictures are bigger. I have been working on this today - I was able to get the first picture centered and couldn't figure out the last few . . . it's something I'm working on. But I'm psyched to be able to show bigger pictures because I think that's important. Enjoy the new look!

1 comment:

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Hello Morgan.
First I love the wider look. The bigger the better when it comes to your photo's. Also Ava has ALWAYS looked like you. My lord that child has your features to a T.
Last WAY TO GO STELLA. Alek is right on her tail. He stands on his own and gets very excited when he realizes he is standing all alone. Only three steps still. Have a great time in Vegas. Are the girls going too???