
meet my nephew!

The girls and I are in Denver visiting my sister and her super adorable little boy, Grant. Grant was born by c-section on July 15th at 12:41 a.m. and weighed 8 lbs., 1 oz., and he is super healthy and extremely beautiful. We are having a lovely time so far, my mom is here also helping Danielle get settled, and we've had lots of visitors, good food, and of course, good wine :)


He's a sleepyhead most of the time . . .

As is his mom :)

Grant looks exactly like his daddy.





I'll be posting more photos of the little guy, we will be here until Sunday or Monday before we head back to Bozeman for three days and then we are NY bound on Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Danielle!!! And Auntie Morgan!!! He is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Morgan for making the trip here to see Grant and take such wonderful photos of him, we really admire the work that you do and could not of asked for better pictures. Please give Ava and Stella big hugs and kisses for us, along with you too and know we all love you as big as the sky!-Love, Danielle, Eric, and Grant

Hillary said...

I'm your biggest fan Morgan! You are so talented and I can't wait for you to take our family photos while we are in Cape Cod!!! Danielle, he's gorgeous. You must be so proud! Enjoy all these moments and memories, before you know it he'll be talking back and peeing on your floor! Love to all of you!