
our family vacation

So, we have spent the last almost-week in Joseph, Oregon, where Carson's aunt has a beautiful ranch, horses, a gorgeous cottage on a creek that we stayed in, etc. Too many things to describe here! Just go there!

We had a lovely time . . . but I have to share, on the second day there, I hopped on one of the horses, Montana, and did a little bareback ride around in a few circles. Super simple stuff, right? Well, we were sitting there waiting to get off and something pissed off this horse because he just jumped in the air like something out of a Clint Eastwood movie, except I wasn't the cowgirl on his back. I didn't quite know what to do, as I haven't been on horses too many times in my life. I got thrown off, some say I let go, but with my experience, I say, what the hell else was I supposed to do?? It was rough. I came sliding off Montana's back, hit my butt, then my back, then a good ol' fashioned whiplash before smashing my head off a small rock. It definitely knocked me out for a few, but the pain I just can't describe. Apparently Laurel, Carson's aunt and the owner of the ranch, grabbed me and pulled me as quick as she could because Montana was about to step on me. All I remember is coming to a sitting position on the ground, grabbing my head, and just shaking. The pain was beyond what I've experienced before. A few moments later, the blood was dripping down my forehead, so we knew there was some damage. When all was said and done, I'd suffered a concussion and a nice gash in the back of my head that did not require stitches, thank god, but is pretty nasty and I'm having a hard time washing my hair. So, here is the horse that threw me/I fell off:

And here I am recovering . . .

I've had concussions before but this time I still have a headache pretty much everyday, and my neck is still sore if I use it too much.

So let's start from the beginning. It's about a 9 to 10 hour trip with kiddos, and ours were remarkably well behaved. I think Stella was so good because Ava is always so good in the car, I swear she could ride for days and not be phased. Here is the peaceful Stella . . .

And Ava. Isn't she a beautiful sleeper? ;)

When we arrived, we were locked out and couldn't remember where the key was hidden, so we spent lots of time just cruising the property, picking flowers and such!

Stella peeped through the windows and was super excited about what she saw!

Eventually Ava had to go potty, so she went in the grass (photo withheld) and had a little butt-scratching to do afterwards . . .

Eventually, we met up with the family! Here is Stella with her great-grandma, who we think she looks a little bit like :)

Here is the same face they make, so freakin' cute!

Stella was pretty psyched about being there . . .

A family photo with the self-timer . . .

And here are just a few more from the visit. Enjoy!



NOTE - Ava did not like the bumper boats if you can't tell!









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