
are you a soaker?

Carson and I seem to fight about the silly things. He can't stand dishes in the sink. I can't stand a messy countetop. We seem to be okay on the big things . . . money, raising children, religion, etc. It's almost like these are the settled, unspoken issues, and they're things we agree on when we do speak about them.

Last night my girlfriend Kristen was over and we all got to chatting about the silly things. Turns out Kristen scrubs her dishes clean, and it drives her nuts that Joe is a soaker. And yet those are the things we remember most about each other when the other is away.

Here is Kristen with her little man, Ethan. I'm so grateful for friends like this who share it all, the good and bad.


And I'm also very grateful for friends who have the same baking ability as I do :) This is Kristen's take on an angel food cake. It's probably 10 times better than what I'd pull out of an oven :)


1 comment:

Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

I am NOT a soaker but John is. Funny how married couples can be so much like another one! Glad to know we are not alone. As far as the Angel food cake goes--I don't even attempt it so more power to her for trying!