
a happier post!

Before I go any further on this post, I want to thank everyone who left me a comment regarding Pipi's death. I even heard from a few people who I don't even know who read my blog, and I am so grateful for all of you who took the time to write a few words of condolence. Pipi's funeral was today and I couldn't be there but am thinking of my family every moment when I'm not screaming at my terribly-behaved children today.


And in photography-related news, I have 3 engagement shoots and 2 family portrait sessions scheduled this weekend so I will actually be blogging about - shocker! - photography again! And quite a bit of it! Every region has its downtime, and right now I'm busy booking next year's weddings and scheduling engagement sessions so you will probably see less hired work and more personal work, but this is good . . . I get to spend lots of time shooting for myself this winter and learning all sorts of new things and taking my photography and business to the next level. So keep coming around!

The day I heard of Pipi's death I had mentioned I'd had a lot of wonderful experiences that day, and the first one was meeting a couple whose wedding I'll be shooting next summer in Big Sky. I got to spend an hour with them and their a-maz-ing wedding planner and florist, Leslie Lukas, who I HIGHLY recommend to those couples looking for a little help in the planning department. I talk to myself in my head all the time, and before this meeting, I was reminding myself to tell this couple to be sure and read my blog so that they feel more of a connection with me in the time leading up to their wedding. They met in Montana but live in Washington, so this was the only time we were able to meet. Well, when I sat down with them, the first thing Leslie told me was, she feels like she already knows you! And this dear sweet bride said, yes, I read your blog everyday, it's 5 minutes I take for myself in the morning! I could have done a cheerleader jump but there wasn't enough room! I can't wait to be a part of this wedding - the couple complements each other just so beautifully, and I know the weekend will be filled with so many memorable moments.

So, the year is almost over and as busy as I'm going to be in 2009, it's time to buckle down and start taking better care of myself. Now I know I'm not overweight by any means, and unless I get hooked up with Kelly Ripa's trainer, I won't be looking like I did when I was 18 anytime soon. Damn those kids! But I do have a few pounds I'd love to lose, and in the past 3 weeks I have lost the first third of them. So here's to the next few weeks . . .


Yes, that's my plate on the left. Here it is up close and personal in case you can't fully understand the proportion of my meal to my plate.


My favorite meal of all time - Shake 'n Bake pork chops, applesauce, and green bean casserole. I think by the time Carson was on his second bite of pork chop I had rested my fork against my plate. Are you done already? he asked me. Uh, yeah, did you not see the amount of food on my plate? I sarcastically retorted. Well, that's your problem, he said. You don't eat like you're French at all. French people take their time and eat slowly.

Well, you gotta give the guy credit! He notices certain books on my bookshelf! Does this mean I get to drink gallons of Champagne and smoke a box of cigarettes everyday, too? God, I love being French! :)

Happy Thursday, everyone!

p.s. - I don't smoke and I don't promote it. Champagne, yes. Cigarettes, no. :)

1 comment:

Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

I thought that plate was your 3-year old daughter's! It's good to eat healthy but you have to eat more than that, girl! You are beautiful just the way you are--inside and out!