
emily and dan's engagement session

Yesterday I got to meet Emily and Dan, whose wedding I am so excited to photograph in February! This couple is nothing short of fabulous - they are strikingly beautiful, as kind as they are gorgeous, and completely worked the camera. Em and Dan met earlier this year and simply knew this was it, and I saw in my time with them that they are truly so in love. Emily is not only stunning, she's also an extremely talented singer and pianist. Sorry guys! She's taken :)

The weather yesterday wasn't super cooperative with us. It snowed all day, the winds were probably blowing about 25 mph, and it was cold! And I don't shoot in a studio so what did this mean for us? Well, we met at Plonk and had a glass of wine and the shooting began! I could photograph this couple in a dumpster and they'd look just as beautiful, though.

See what I mean?


We actually spent 98% of the session outside and Emily and Dan were very brave (and cold). We found a neat little porch in an alley downtown and it provided for some fun photo opportunity :)





When I got home and started looking through the photos closely, it came to me that Dan looks like a much thinner and MUCH more handsome Vince Vaughn! I absolutely love this photo:


And this one . . .


I can't believe I haven't noticed this wall before! You'll have to check out the slideshow to see more :)


Emily and Dan, thank you for a super fun shoot! You have found a gem in each other. :)


Darcy @ m3b said...

Oh, Morgan! Gorgeous! Those photos are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Morgan thanks for the pictures we love them!!!!!

Anonymous said...

great pictures!!!!!!! The settings are so unusual. Love um.

Anonymous said...

Emily the pics are amazing... You two look stunning! Love you!
