
news update!

Happy hump day!

1. My new website is live! It's at www.morganroof.net. It's super cool . . . I'm not sure how well I will do at keeping it up so this is really my time to decide whether to can it and do just the blog. I completely love blogging and I have a strong attachment to my blog since it is what really has gotten me to where I am today. But in the meantime, for those who prefer a more traditional wedding photography website, I am there and the site is beautiful!

2. I had an amazing mentoring session today with Melissa Jill, who is one of the first photographers I really started following and learning from, since she is so gracious to share her success stories, tips and tricks. We talked pricing, albums, the best camera settings, off-camera flash, and I got to meet her sweet dog, Dixie. :) We did this online through Skype, which is totally free! I've had a few Skype sessions with my mom and brother and it's so fun!

3. Tonight I helped Kristen and Joe decorate for their very anticipated Halloween party on Friday. We're all taking the kids trick-or-treating and then getting down with our bad selves at their hacienda. I taught Kristen some line-dancing moves tonight so we're ready for our costumed live performance.

4. I'm super tired but have soooo much work to do! Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow a HUGE chunk of my editing will be done.



Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

Sounds like you have a great couple of days planned. That's what I love about you, Morgan. You work so hard but you also know how to play hard! A woman after my own heart!
We love ya!

Melissa Jill :) said...

SO great chatting with you and getting to know you a bit Morgan! You've got a great thing going--keep up the awesome work!