
happy birthday to baby cohen!

My very dear girlfriend, Irene, celebrated her little man's 1st birthday on November 1st (his golden birthday!!) and I love them so much I wanted to say happy birthday to the little chubber because he, and his mom, dad and big brother, are gorgeous and just plain perfect. Irene and I have been friends since 6th grade . . . we have been through the ringer together, and have picked each other up off the floor more times than I count here. So Happy Birthday Cohen! You are a little rock star and we all love you and can't wait to throw sand at each other next year in Myrtle Beach cuz WE WILL BE THERE!

I love you guys so much!


1 comment:

Irene said...

AWWWWWWW thanks Mo!! I love it!! Man he is so cute. Sometimes when he is sleeping I think I forget.....But can you come to VA instead next year??? We arent going to make it to MB this year b/c Chad has some big ole test for work that requires him to work/study/take the test the entire month of april! :0 fun fun...Erika and Ryan are coming here for the DC special instead. Our house is little, but we have a camper in the back yard!!!Plenty of room!!!