
happy december!

It's such a big month here in the Roof household! Besides the Christmas holiday, Carson and I are celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary on the 12th, and I will be 29 on New Year's Eve!! Hoody hoo!! Not sure how I feel about the birthday . . . I didn't think I'd have a problem with getting older, but what kills me the most is that I don't grow anymore (except wide). It seems I'm still under the premonition that the older you get, the taller you get. Nope. Not me! Still 5'3"! :)

It's a slow time of year for shooting so tonight I went through some photos I thought would be fun to share with my blogger peeps!

This first series is the Cereal Series. I know they're not super sharp but sometimes you have to sacrifice a bit to get the moment:




A very sweet moment . . .


I'm pretty sure that about five seconds after this was taken, Ava threw Stella off the chair.


Here is miss Ava Charlotte - straight out of the bathtub. She is all about posing lately and has mastered a few fake smiles. More to come :)


Like this . . . she asked me to take her picture with her and her baby, and this is her smile!


Trying to be serious:


And then she asked me to take a picture of her feet. I do love my depth-of-field so was more than happy to comply :) Ava has flat feet like her daddy. Makes for a good track star!


Little miss Stella! Don't you just want to put butter, salt and pepper on her little thighs and eat them up like corn on the cob??? I do.


So going back in time, I totally forgot about these photos but they are too sweet not to share. From NY this past summer . . .

This is my cousin G and I - she is amazing, so talented, so loving and caring. We have always been very, very close.


I don't even remember where this hat came from - I think my aunt gave it to the girls with a few other jewels you'll see - but G and I decided to rock the Vogue look:





Ava and my Aunt Carol, my dad's sister, G's mom, the matriarch of the LaMare family :) Love her to pieces!


And this is killer. Another aunt of mine and my twin cousins got Ava this crazy ass bag of dress-up jewelry. There was so much we didn't even know what to do with it, so we did what any other family would do after a few glasses of wine. We played dress-up!

From L to R - Stella, me, my step-monster Sylvia, who I love to pieces, cousin G, Ava and Aunt Carol:


If the weather cooperates tomorrow I'm going to grab the girlies, get them all dolled up, and officially do Christmas photos! Hope everyone is relaxing after turkey day, getting ready for the holidays, and not stressing too much about the official recession! I did read today that it should be over by mid-2009. They're about 18 months total in length, and we've been there since December 2007. I suppose all we can do is take each day for what it's worth. Happy Monday everyone!


brionyskerjance said...

such a beautiful family! i love all the pics but i think my fave is the one that is focused on the lil feet :) hope you are great!

Anonymous said...

I definitely just laughed out loud at work while I was trying to "discretely" check on your blog - that friggin' hat just speaks for itself... laughs, wine and family - what more does one need? Love and miss you all!

Irene said...

thanks for the laugh Mo :) I love seeing more of your family!