
men are from mars

That's right, ladies. It's not just a cliche. Men truly are from Mars.

Okay, funny side note . . . Carson just came up behind me and read this first line. Men are from Mars, he chuckled. Where are YOU from? he asked me. Uh . . . VENUS! And he laughed. He also read the word "cliche" as the word "clinch" so go figure.

Yes, tonight's post is my most infamous relationship advice. I give it to all my girlfriends. I've probably even given it to my mom. The very best thing that ever happened to my relationships was reading Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I own the book but haven't seen it for years because it's been circulating among my girlfriends!

I actually read the book in high school when I was on a hiatus from a very emotionally sporatic relationship with someone whom I loved very much, but it just wasn't working. Everything was wrong, except we were still attracted to each other. The book actually opens up with the totally overlooked scientific data that makes you tap your finger against your chin and say, "ah, yes. that's exactly what it is!" And that, my friends, is that chemically, we're made up totally different. Men and women. We do know - and are very aware - that physically men are different from women. But we forget, or completely disregard, that those differences begin on the inside. Learning this made me so much more forgiving when a man let me down. There are just certain ways we're programmed to react and communicate, to some extent, both men and women.

Ten years later, I still go back to ol' reliable when I need to. No one said relationships are easy, but they shouldn't be too hard. If I have a bride reading this right now, take my advice: read this book before, or shortly after, you're married. It will change your life.

1 comment:

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

I am wondering if I may know that certian MAN that is from Mars that you dated 10 year ago.......hehe