The past four months have been a whirlwind . . . enough to make my head spin my hair straight. While I know how incredibly blessed and lucky I am, days are overwhelming, nights can be lonely, little girls can be trying. And everytime I sit down and cry, I feel defeated. I want to be stronger, happier and smarter. I want to be positive, loving and patient.
Adjusting to life as a single parent with the stubborn personality I have has been a challenge to say the least. I do not do well with change. I have had the same hair style, favorite pair of jeans and brown belt for as long as I can remember. I am one of the most superstitious people I've met. Lately my superstition is that the girls have to eat off the same matching pink flowered plates at every meal, or it's going to be a bad day or evening. I thought my world would turn upside down when I bought new bedding a couple months ago, but it turns out I simply now have pretty pink floral sheets and an all white comforter that I sleep alone under, or next to two darling, dimpled little girls.
So what I've learned. Well, the biggest thing I've learned is that I actually do not like to be alone. At all. I wake up in the morning thinking, what are the evening plans? Ava spends all day asking "Who's coming ooooooover?" and if I said "no one," she asks, "When's No One not coming ooooooover?" I used to crave being alone, never cared to have a roommate when I moved out, struggled with having roommates when I did. Now, being alone terrifies me. There is no book that looks worthy of being read, no magazine enticing enough to flip through, no television show funny enough to make me laugh. All I want is company.
I have learned the value of friendship - the truest, most hard core, earth shattering, mind blowing, will-do-anything-for-you friends. There are three girls, who show up every Tuesday or Wednesday night, with beautiful bouquets, blooming orchids, endless bags of groceries, and of course, the pinot. There is one boy, who adores me, spoils me, would answer his phone in the shower if I called having a meltdown, and who if all men could be like and all women could love, there would be no such thing as a break-up. These people drop their cameras, flowers, placecard settings and frames, and come running hard at me if I need them. I am safe when I am with them.
I have learned you are never too old to call your mom when a spilled glass of milk has you sobbing on the floor. My mom has the most magical way of talking me into a calm. She brings me back to reality, reminds me what my priorities are, and every time we get off the phone and I wipe the mascara from my cheeks, I find my children, and I hug them. Hard.
I have learned that while I am moving forward, it is time to take a few steps back, and pour my heart back into what I truly love to do. It is time to take more pictures. It is time to write more, to blog more, and share more of myself here, where I have actually changed a few lives, believe it or not. It is time to crawl into bed at 10:30 with a book and read it until I'm cross-eyed, and fall asleep dreaming about the characters and their problems, rather than dream about mine. It is time to get down and dirty on the floor more, and play with my children, who I am molding, who I have created, who grew inside me, who I delivered and nursed and smelled and to whom I am the center of their universe. It is simply time to actually be the person that makes me proud to hear my children describe.
And I promise the next post will be a wedding! :)

Oh Morgan! I only know you online but I feel as if you are a long lost sister. Thank you for writing this one and for sharing it with us fortunate ones who take the time to read it. You have INSPIRED me to my soul with your words. I cannot thank you enough for being so brave to let us all in. There are days when life gets the best of me too and I remember and Old Rancher's Advice: Life is simpler when you plow around the stump so Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly and Leave the rest to God!
Morgan, you are truly an amazing lady. You are blessed with a wonderful sense of humor, you are smart, have 2 incredible little girls, and an awesome photographer. You are surrounded by friends that adore you and a mother that you have a strong bond with. I couldn't name 5 people like that. There is nothing wrong with meltdowns, they cleanse the soul. You will be richer when this struggle is over and I wish you nothing but blue skies, sun, and the perfect light!
Thinking of you and praying for your happiness always! Your girls are just beautiful and have very different looks! May the rough times be short and your happiness forever!
I love you SO much and I am SO proud to be your friend. You are such an amazing woman, mother, photographer & friend and I know that you can do this!! WE can do this!! I am so happy that you know I would do anything for you at anytime of the day and I know you'd do the same for me.
Today's a brand new day. Cheers to the Assets!!
You are a wonderful, strong, beautiful woman who is loved by so many. I am very proud to call you daughter and there is not one doubt in my mind that you are going places in this life. I know you will get through this difficult time, and I also know that Ava and Stella will help you along the way.
You are blessed with some wonderful friends and I thank each and every one of them for being so supportive of you. It makes it easier for me knowing they are there for you.
I love you Morgan. Big as the Sky! Things are going to be just fine.
I really hate to see you hurting so, but I want you to know how amazing I think you are. No one ever wants to be alone, that is a very difficult decision to make, but sometimes circumstances change and difficult choices need to be made.
Someone like you, who gives so much of themselves, deserves to be truly happy and feel loved. You are an amazing photographer, story writer, mom, friend & person. Do not ever doubt your self worth.
Look into the twinkling eyes of your two beautiful daughters and love them to pieces. They will give you the strength you need to get through these difficult times.
I am so happy to see you back blogging! Your words of wisdom, wonderful sense of humor and insightful outlook on life are an inspiration to hundreds, maybe even thousands of faithful blog readers.
Reach for your dreams kiddo, you will find happiness!!! Just be yourself and love will find you. You are a beautiful person.
Can you send your friends over here?! You are a beautiful wise takes real strength to recognize how lucky we are...when in reality nothing about life is feeling very "lucky"...if you know what I mean ;) Hugs and kisses to you and those beautiful girls. You are and always will be an inspiration.
Hi Morgan! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I have been trying to get your contact information but can't seem to find it on your site. After seeing your pictures, my Fiance and I are very interested in having you be the photographer at our wedding. If you could send me an email with your wedding packages and prices that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated. My email is
Thanks so much! We look forward to hearing from you!
- Jamie & Bud
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