When I started this business, the very first thing I started was this blog. I had a Nikon D50 with two kit lenses, a couple of cute kids to photograph and post as much as I could, and the ability to completely open myself up to the public and put it all out there. I've always been that way . . . I'm inspired by so many people for so many reasons, and when they open up to me, I lean in and listen whole-heartedly. I knew I needed to share this part of me as well with my potential clients. My theory was, you either love my photographs or you don't. If you love them, the next step was hoping you'd love me. It was risky, and it still is risky. But it's who I am, and it's why my business grew so quickly and became as successful as it did in such a short amount of time. And when new photographers come to me and ask me, how did you start?, the first thing I tell them is, start a blog. Open yourself up. Post everything you shoot, and write about it.
It's a well-kept little secret that I also have a website. I'm in the process of having my blog designer re-design my blog to a cleaner, more organic look like my website has. For those new photographers out there who read my blog, first of all, thank you. I am honored you love my work. Second, my site is a BluDomain website, and they are beautiful and so easy to customize. Go have a looksie!
Here are a few pictures of me and my clients . . . my 2010 goal in this department is a photo of me with each of my couples. :)

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