
i love blogging!

So for those frequent visitors out there (Mom?), you may have noticed that I slightly changed my blog layout. Well, I'm a lefty and the other format was just killing me. So I put all my garb on the right side of the page so the good stuff (the photos) was on the left side of the page. Come to think of it, that may interfere with what my right-handed customers find appealing (that's 85% of the population . . . right-handers, that is, not my customers, but how cool would that be?). Thankfully, being a lefty hasn't interfered with my photography and they say lefty's are more creative - which I especially believe because my husband, Carson, is also a lefty and is very, very artistic. It also looks like Stella is on her way to being a lefty! We're so proud :)

So back to the topic of my post - i love blogging! - well, I truly do. I think it's so important to share a bit of your personal life along with your professional life. I have talked to so many people, including customers and potential customers, about how important it is that you truly feel a bond with your photographer, especially if she is following you around on your wedding day. While my approach is to be in the background as much as possible, except of course for formals and portraits, a bride truly wants to know that whoever is involved in her wedding day is going to celebrate it with her, have excitement and smiles for her, and overall simply just be honored to be spending the day with her and her family, and her groom and his family. That is so important to me. And I hope my blog represents that I am a happy, pleasant, enjoyable person who would be more than honored to share your wedding day.

I have a maternity shoot next weekend, the girls' 3rd and 1st birthdays May 3rd (Ava) and May 4th (Stella) coming up, another 1st birthday to shoot May 10th, and after that a wedding reception on July 4th. In the interim, I'll be doing an engagement shoot for a lovely couple with some beautiful mountain landscapes. :) We're just waiting for the snow to melt and a sunny evening!

Happy Spring! Hang in there for those April showers . . .

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