
say cheese!

So I went hard for Mother's Day this year and got myself this new beauty . . .

This is the new Nikon D300. I was desperate for a new camera body to go with my fabulous new lenses and this one definitely delivers! I will be spending the next few evenings reading my manual cover to cover as the experts suggest, since it has so many custom settings for me to get familiar with. I feel I really have the ability now to get the images that I truly want to see! I know it's not necessarily the equipment, it's the photographer, but any idiot out there knows that if you have the best gear, you have a much better opportunity to deliver beautiful photos.

I hope all the other mamas out there got something special for mother's day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Morgs,
I think that you have earned that camera, your girls are beautiful and so lucky to have such a hard working and loving mother...enjoy taking those pictures!!!!-Carrie

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Happy Mother's Day Morgan. Can not wait until you get to use that awesome new camera on my little man. I am looking forward to your visit to the burgh very much. I hope Stella is feeling better and you had a wonderful Mother's Day.