
alison and TJ's love shoot!

Saturday evening I met up with the very fun and very sweet Alison and TJ at Chico Hot Springs for some drinks, photos and heavy lifting. This couple is getting married next May at the Gallatin Gateway Inn, which I know is an amazing venue because it is where I got married and we had a wonderful wedding experience. Anyway, I was so pleased to finally meet this couple since we've been in contact by email so much. We had a couple drinks over chit-chat so we could get to know each other a little better, and so they could relax a bit before picture time. ;) Chico is of course another beautiful venue. We started out in this field of flowers right next to the main lodge . . . and this one is probably my favorite of the day . . .



I totally think TJ is making fun of me to Alison in this photo :)

Another beautiful bride, how am I getting so lucky? I can't wait to see Alison in white. I ran a simple black and white action on this photo called Bitchin' B&W. Love the name!

We did find a golf cart for them to make out in . . .

And TJ is workin' the camera in this one!


So about the heavy lifting . . . I brought this old chair to use in some of the photos (which you'll see in the slideshow). TJ was such a gentleman, carrying it everywhere for me. This was one of the last photos taken of the evening as we were walking back to the car, and it's definitely one of my favorites.


It was a beautiful evening and they are a beautiful couple, thank you Alison and TJ! You guys are a lot more photogenic than you think! ;)

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