
the hall family - slideshow!

Morning! It's after midnight and I'm having waaaaay too much fun with some Photoshop actions I just downloaded. Before I go on with a before/after, click here to see the beautiful Hall family's slideshow. It takes a second to load. Music credits go to the uber talented Ben Harper, and the song is called Not Fire, Not Ice. It's the live version, and it's one of my favorites. When Chevonne and I were first discussing this photo shoot, our original plan was to do them down on the river in Gallatin Canyon. John is a fly fishing guide, so the river was a perfect place to put them. The first line of this song is "there is not a river wide . . ." and the first time I heard it I immediately thought of them, and imagined showing a slideshow of a bunch of river photos to this song. I couldn't give it up, though, even though we were in a park off busy Main Street. It's a perfect song for this beautiful family, and I wish them all the best of everything in this world, and cannot wait to capture the memories of their wedding day in September.

Okay, here is a photo of little miss LeeAnn straight out of the camera . . .

And here is the little doll with a little Old Skool action from Boutwell's Totally Rad Actions . . .

Pretty sweet! I was NOT a fan of crazy editing, and this action especially I probably won't use too much or by request since its sole purpose is to make the photo look 100 years old. I'm still trying to find my style, so to have these things to work with is very exciting for me.

Enjoy the slideshow!

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