
Day 3!

So today is officially my third day as a stay-at-home-mom, self-employed woman. I have to say, it feels a little weird. In a way, it feels like I should be DOING something, even though I don't sit down all day except when I get time on the computer to do some editing (or blogging!) I have worked for someone since I was 15 years old! And it also feels like I gave up total control to my husband to make a living for us, which I know isn't true because I am having a very good first year, and I know without a doubt I will very shortly be making the same, if not more, money than what I have been.

So Ava decided to make the potty training thing super easy on us and this past weekend decided she was ready to go on her own on the big, bad toilet. She's had three accidents in three days! I mean, she's not totally potty trained, we still do diapers at nap, bedtime and when we go somewhere (I'm not ready to tackle peeing in public yet). Here's a very sweet photo of the big girl:

In business news, my website is almost ready to "go live" as they call it, and I can't wait to show it and have potential clients be able to go there first. As much as I love blogging and feel it is an extremely important part of this business, I know most clients are still looking for a good ol' fashioned, easy-to-navigate website to go to first, then can read up more on the life of the photographer through blogging. So stay tuned for the big announcement!

Happy hump day!

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