
I am the proud owner of a new website!

Hi all! Please visit my new website at www.morganroof.net. I am SO excited! I will definitely still be keeping up with my blog, it is one of my favorite parts of this job :) So keep coming back! But now I have a traditional place for my potential clients to go, which I think is just as important as a blog.

The girlies and I are off to Denver early in the morning to visit my brand spankin' new nephew, Grant, and my sister and brother-in-law. My mom is also there, so it will be a fun few days. Stay tuned for lots of photos from the trip and Grant's first baby pics by his Aunt Morgan!

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I just took a peek and your website is fabulous! Have a safe trip and congratulations, Auntie Morgan!!!


Anonymous said...

Your new website is awesome! Very professional with a super personal touch! You are definitely on your way!!! Congratulations!
Pam, John, Ryan & Sara

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Hey woman, love the website. Cannot wait to see you next weekend at Carrie's wedding. What did you end up naming your packages or did you decide to not do it that way???