
my adorable, neglected children

It seems I've taken photos of everyone BUT Ava and Stella since we've arrived in NY. I have some fun photos to share with you from my stepmother's birthday party the other evening, but for now, I present to you Stella Jane Roof. She hammed it up for me during snack time today. She just has such beautiful green eyes!


One of my favorite things to watch in babies is how they grow into little adults in the little ways only moms probably recognize . . . like how their teeth grow in. Stella has these perfect little chompers with a big gap between the front teeth and I can't wait until they fall out so I can put them in a little box and keep them forever.


Stella's been working out.


And miss Ava Charlotte and her big brown eyes. So beautiful. So sassy. So needy. So much like me :)


She loves her Nana! This is my super sexy mom.


Wow! I made it into a photo! Here I am with my mini-me.



Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Love the pics of the girls, and you look great too Mama (and Nana)!!! I miss those little munchkins, and I love how Ava looks exactly like you, and Stella like Carson....it is rediculous! Give them some big hugs and kisses for me :)