
things I want to photograph

As I dive deeper into the world of weddings, I find there are a few things I simply must photograph or I am going to die. 'Nuff said. Here they are.

1. Hot shoes. BRIGHT shoes. Red shoes. Yellow shoes. Pink shoes. Whatever! Just ignore those Dyeables and get creative. Get yourself a pair of 3" hot pink peep toe shoes to match your hot pink rose bouquet and you're good to go. It is a huge trend right now. I have very classic taste myself . . . I own about a gazillion black tank tops. But, I do allow myself a few trendy purchases each season and I never regret it. The nice thing about the Hot Shoe trend is it isn't going to go out of style . . . and you can wear them again!

2. Birdcage veils. This term might be foreign to you, it was to me until I googled it and found an awesome website that custom designs this style veil. It's very 40s. If you don't care to look it up, it's the style veil that looks like fishnet stockings and covers just your face, and is usually attached to a fabulous headpiece of ostrich feathers or something of the sort. Trust me. They're fabulous. If anything, get one to wear for a few portraits. Check out www.birdcageveils.com for inspiration.

3. Black & white photos, 100% of the wedding.

Those are my thoughts at the moment . . . I am constantly reading bridal magazines so stay tuned for more wedding inspiration :)

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