

It is sunny and hot in Montana, with no humidity, and it is wet and sticky here in New York. I love all the green and all the flowers but good lord do I miss the sunshine.


It is making the girls giddy. This afternoon while Stella was napping, Ava and I took a walk down the street to see my girlfriend, Tracy, and her family, and while we were sitting by the pool sipping Coronas and catching up, this huge dark cloud loomed overhead and eventually dumped on us. My mom had to come pick us up! We spent the afternoon being goofy, screaming, and seeing what we could do with Ava's hair.



We did get a visit earlier this afternoon from Isaiah, who is actually my Aunt Heather's grandson. He came over with his parents today to discuss funeral arrangements and we kept him busy with the girls, and Stella made sure to give him lots of kisses.



Tomorrow night I have a photo shoot with some of my favorite people in the whole world so stay tuned for that. It's crazy how fast this trip is going by so far. I have 8 days left!! Crazy. We are missing home and missing Daddy a ton, but it's always sad to say goodbye to family, and this trip especially has been very emotional for many reasons. Thank you so much for the very sweet comments and emails regarding my aunt's death. We are taking a walk down memory lane going through photos and such and preparing for her memorial service this Saturday.

Sleep tight!

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