
the twins!

That is what they've always been to me . . . the twins. Identical twins. One is Kelsey, one is Nicole. Kelsey is exactly 4 minutes older than Nicole. They are my dear, sweet cousins. I used to change their diapers. I used to wipe their snotty little noses. I used to rescue them from the wrath of their older brothers' arms. I have sung them lullabies, and tucked them into the comfort of their sweet little blankets to lay them down for an afternoon nap. And now I am taking their senior photos! It just doesn't make sense. I get older - and that's ok - but everyone else is supposed to stay the same. I will never forget the day I found out Aunt Laurie was having twins. I remember the phone call, I remember where I was sitting (on the kitchen table with my feet resting on a chair), and I remember calling my other cousin to tell her. We had been in a fight but once I told her Aunt Laurie was having twins, we immediately forgot about our fight and were just so freaking excited! These girls are hard-core - they were born vaginally and were both breast-fed, usually at the same time. Too much information for ya? Welcome to motherhood.

This is Kelsey:


And this is Nicole:


You can see they are identical, but different, as all sisters and twins. But they are so genuine, so loving, and they were sooo excited to be spending this time with me taking their photos, even though they felt a little awkward and were definitely nervous!

More of my favorites . . . Kelsey Anne:



I love this one . . . probably not a yearbook photo, but beautiful anyway . . .


And Nicole Kate . . .



This one I love because it actually is totally natural . . . each girl would always look off to her sister and Audrey (brother's super adorable girlfriend from West Virginia, y'all!) for support and to help ease their nerves.


Wombmates fo' life!



Love you girls and miss you always! Drive safe and wear your seatbelts! Audrey, thanks for hanging onto my lenses and getting the girls all primped and primed, you're the best :) XOXO!

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