
about me

Welcome to my blog! This place means the world to me . . . it's my online journal, both professionally and personally. When I first started this business, I booked all of my first-year weddings through this blog and I've been rewarded with the opportunity of sharing not only the weddings and portraits I'm so grateful to be a part of, but also the events in my personal life. I want you to get a feel for who I really am . . .

I am a mother to two beautiful little girls, Ava and Stella, who were born exactly two years and one day apart.

Besides being completely in love with taking photographs, I enjoy many other wonderful, fabulous things in this world . . . wine, cooking, sushi, shopping, great clothes, high fashion I can't afford, reading, writing, blogging, long lunches with good friends, my dogs, relaxing in front of old re-runs, foodie magazines. It's a pretty good life I live :)

You can email me at morgan@morganroofphotography.com, or send a message or text to 406.570.7162 if you're interested in booking an event!



Amanda said...


YOur photos are beautiful! I came accross your blog from Darcy's Graphically Designing site and as I was reading, I noticed an entry where you talk briefly about starting in photography. You mentioned reading and learning so that you wouldn't have to worry about it in the moment. Can you suggest some resources that helped you. I have a great love of photography and always the critic, want to improve my skills. Mostly as a hobby, but I love the idea of photographing the various seasons of life. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated. Thanks!

M said...

Great photos, Amanda. I got here through the Menard/Guay suggestion.Terrific!!