
and the oscar goes to . . .

ME! Well, it's actually a Blogger award, but how FUN is this community?? The lovely Briony nominated me for an award simply because she loves my photography. This is why it's so important to link, link, link! You just never know who will find you, who will love you, and who will want to give you an award! So yes, Briony, I accept! I accept, I accept, I accept!!

Okay, getting a little too excited there :) But I am truly flattered. It's one thing for my friends and family to love my photos, but it's another for random bloggers, who also happen to be artists, to stumble upon my sight and feel the same connection.

And here is who I spread the love to:

Darcy at Graphically Designing. She not only made my blog beautiful, but she was so patient and amazing to work with - and she's a night owl just like me! See you at 1:00 a.m., Darcy! :)

Back to you, babe! Briony at Todays Daybreak Tomorrows Horizon. What a fun blog, an amazing graphic designer, a superb photographer, and just so kind and generous with her comments and appreciation for my style of photography.

And of course The Duprey Family for being so fabulous and brave! This contest probably goes more towards the artsy farsty blogs but Kate, Randy and Alek have been through a hell of a lot more than the artists I follow, at least that I know about, and I applaud them for throwing it all online and taking it as it comes! And they rock at leaving me comments!

Happy Friday!


brionyskerjance said...

thanks girly for the bling :)
and as for my 'guilty pleasure' I haven't gotten the coat yet but I actually found another one that I like too...ahahah. I have to go try the other one on and see how it looks, then I will decide and purchase. hahaha Oprah has some great tips (i like the 24hr deal you mentioned)
I hope you had a wonderful friday, it would be cool if we could all get together...maybe one day!

Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

Congratulations Morgan! We all knew you were great but it is nice to see other people recognizing that fact as well. By the way, I have been showing off the pictures you did of our family to all the people at work and you might have quite a lineup of work when you come back to NY next summer! I keep telling them not to fight over you--we'll try to fit them all in :)
Love ya!

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Hey Hun...Thanks for the shout out, I do appreciate it. I am so happy that people are seeing how very talented you are. I know my co-worker Michelle Bechard said she contacted you to book you for the spring, they are so looking forward to it. We just put your pictures of us all over our walls, I am going to actually show some in my blog...Miss you girl
Love Ya