
babywearing mamas

Yesterday morning I met up with some super cute moms and gorgeous little punkinheads for the babywearing photos Cindy asked me to do! There were some very cool wraps and carriers on display, and all the kiddos were as happy as clams nestled next to their mommy.

This is Brooke and Maddie: (and I apologize if I am misspelling anyone's name!)



Cindy and Jael (Cindy, by the way, is 6 DAYS OVERDUE - and this is her third! I can't believe she's even still smiling. I was ready to hurt someone when Stella hadn't come at one week early! It just goes to show what kind of mom she is :) Me, on the other hand, yelled at my kids like an army sargeant the other afternoon when they kept getting up from the table during lunch. YOU-BETTER-GET-YOUR-LITTLE-BUTTS-BACK-TO-THAT-TABLE-AND-FINISH-YOUR-LUNCH-RIGHT-NOW-DO-YOU-HEAR-ME?) Oh, come on, you know you've done it too! Cindy, please tell me you've done that . . . . ;)



Jana and Myla:



Jana and Cindy's wraps are so cool, I actually have one myself and they're very versatile. You can wear the baby on your hip, back and stomach. I got mine from www.peppermint.com if anyone is interested in purchasing one, and they come with instructions for all the different ways you can wear them.

Gloria and Jasper: (Gloria actually made this wrap, and I thought it was soooo beautiful!)



And Jen and Chase:



Jen's carrier was reversible! It was turquoise and brown on the other side. But I did love the camo look for little Chase :)

Thanks for your time, ladies! Your babies are all so beautiful and I hope to work with you again!


brionyskerjance said...

all these babies are soooooo cute! those wrap thingy's are awesome...i've never seen them before. it looks like a fun shoot, all the women are beautiful and glowing (you captured the love of a mother)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. They are so adorable. You capture the love and thrill of motherhood!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for all these shots Morgan, can't wait to use them on our flyers and such. Thank you so much!