
the stai family is back and blinded by the snow!

Sunday afternoon I swung by the Stai household to take a photo or two for their Christmas cards and pat Deanna on her growing tummy (Jules will be a big sister in just a few months!). It's always nice to get photos outside and take advantage of the natural light but this light was NOT good. It snowed a few inches over the weekend and the sky was very overcast but the sun was desperately trying to make itself known, so it just blared down on the snow and there were terrible reflections everywhere! Turns out both Dennis and Deanna get wicked (New York term) headaches from that type of light, and Jules might be following in her parents' footsteps . . . she would rarely look up at the camera because the light was just so blinding!


But she did give me this . . .


This photo cracks me up - Dennis is just so tall!


Backing up a few feet . . .



Ahhh . . . indoors :)


And a sweet moment between mom and Jules:


Dennis and Deanna rock and have set off quite the chain of referrals for me so I'm happy to take their pictures anytime :) Thanks for spending some of your Canadian Thanksgiving with me! Love you guys!

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