
classy hollywood women

When I found out this morning Jennifer Aniston was going to be on Oprah today, I made a personal date with my television, informed my husband he was babysitting, and planned my day around this historic event. I imagine my friend Hillary got a babysitter for the event.

As soon as she came on, Carson started shaking his head and mumbling to himself. Man, Brad Pitt might be good-looking but he sure isn't smart. She is so much prettier than that tattooed one. It was too funny . . . and after all the hooplah surrounding Jennifer's VOGUE interview and such, I must say I agree . . . Brad might be cute and have a gazillion little children running around, but Jen is one you just don't let get away. And Angelina is so not cool.

Onto Beyonce . . . what a doll! I don't follow her music much but she is so beautiful, and then she performed a song that blew me out of the water, so it turns out she's super-talented live, too.

Regardless of my opinions, I also wanted to mention that I was going through old photo shoots last night on my blog and saw where there are shoots where the photos are super big and get cut off . . . this is because of my new blog design having conflicts with the size of the photos I uploaded then. I am making it a priority to go back and upload those photos to match the size of my blog, but in the meantime, please forgive the randomness in photo size!

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Irene said...

AWSOME! Oprah isnt on until 4 here, so now I know it is worth it watch! I thought I was the only one who didnt like Angelina...I mean its nice and all that she has adopted a bazillion kids, and is helping a bazillion more, but this doesnt change the fact that she is a husband snatcher!!! I'll never forgive her, or cheater Brad for that matter. UGHHH vent over. Now I need to figure out how to occupy the kids for an hour while I try to watch Oprah!