
halloween fun!

I think Halloween needs to be on a Friday each and every year. How much FUN did everyone have knowing there was nothing to get up for the next day except to nurse your hangover and eat pumpkin buckets full of candy?

We attended the much-anticipated Halloween party at Joe and Kristen's last night and it was nothing short of a BLAST! The kiddos came too, but Stella wasn't feeling very Halloweeney. She flat out hated her adorable bumble bee costume and it just wasn't worth putting her through the misery to get her in it. So she went as Stella. Ava, on the other hand, was darling in her little poodle skirt and pigtails. In her world, she was a princess. In my world, she was the product of what Sandy and Danny would have had if Grease had given us a glimpse into their future. Either way, she absolutely loved trick-or-treating, spending time with her little buddies from school, eating way too much candy and staying up way too late. Onto the photos (and there are lots of 'em!):

First of all, this was the sunrise the morning of Halloween. Perfection! I love mornings like this.


And here are the fabulous hosts. Kristen lost her puppy, which was really attached to her big fat butt, and her costume was hysterical! And Joe pulled off a Will Ferrell-as-Jackie-Moon perfectly.


There was lots of photo-taking!


Ava and her little buddy, Nate, who she looooves!


And Nate's parents, Bob and Diana, who are gorgeous and looked awesome!


A few more super fun costumes:


Joe is an eye doctor, and his neighbor, Jerry, dressed up as Dr. Seymour Klearly. It made me laugh so hard I almost spit out my red bull/vodka! And his wife made her hat!


The Smurfs!


Little Carlee wasn't too sure what to think of her dad . . .



I loved this - a wifebeater and his wife!


Nate won Best Costume and totally earned it. When I saw him talking to Carson I had NO IDEA who he was - we took pictures of each other and laughed and chatted for a minute before I said, wait, are you Nate? Carson didn't know who he was either. Too funny! And Amber completely rocked the witch costume!



Hugh Hefner!


Love this of Joe:


He can be serious, though:


Carson and I went as Danny and Sandy from Grease but we pulled off more of a Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, I think ;)


After a few drinky drinks, people started swapping costumes . . .



Nate and Logan learned how to play beer pong (and Logan actually sunk a few!)


But then costumes came off and babies woke up so we called it a very fun and happy night and headed home!


One more since this post simply isn't long enough . . . ;)


Hope everyone's evening was safe and fun!

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