
baby titus

This little man belongs to Cindy and Josh, who I did a fabulous maternity session for a few weeks back. He is also another babe who doesn't want to curl up in the fetal position and sleep peacefully for a photo session :). But I did get some very sweet photos, and here are just a couple of my favorites. I'll be heading back over there on a day when little Titus is a bit more sleepier. But on this day, this guy wanted his mama to no end! :)

I think he was having a dream about boxing here . . .


Some sweet moments with his mom:




Congratulations Cindy and Josh!

1 comment:

b.craft said...

It's probably because of the "state" that I'm in, but I love these photos -- especially the second one with his eyes open. Best of luck to the mom! Hope she's doing well.