
the maxwell family

This morning I met up with Kandace, Travis and little Ayden to snap a few for the holidays and it was such a breeze. The second I showed up Ayden flashed me her signature grin and told me in her own little language that she was planning on being very good, happy and smiley. And she followed through! Piece of cake! Thanks Ayden! I'm sure Santa will be bringing her everything she asks for this year :)

This is the grin she gives me:


Workin' the hood . . .


A very strong Christmas card candidate!


Combined with this one:


And a couple I just love for the natural feel of it them in a warm black & white:



This family is so wonderful at referring me out all sorts of clients, so I am very, very grateful to them! Thanks you guys for being so good to me, and for being so easy to photograph :). Happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Morgan, I LOVE them and can't wait to see the rest.. Thanks a bunch. Kandace, Travis, and Ayden

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! These are great! Ayden is the best baby! I love my neice! Sorry I have not called you been super busy! DAne and I may want to take some pics for cards too.. Ill let you know! THanks for all the great pics of my family! Your so great!! XOXO