

I was at the gym yesterday torturing myself on the elliptical and couldn't help but laugh at the warning on the machine . . . stop exercising immediately if you feel pain, faint, dizzy or shortness of breath. Well, getting back into the swing of things, I alternate among those four symptoms regularly throughout my workout, in addition to nausea, anger, hunger, thirst and rage. How am I supposed to get a good workout in? I just don't get it. And to further prove how out of shape I have let myself become, I actually broke blood vessels in my arms from the movement of the arm thing-ys on the elliptical. And actually got a temporary heat rash on my knees and thighs. I don't think I've broken a sweat since I delivered Stella, so you can imagine what my body is thinking! But today my muscles are sore, I'm walking with a little more confidence, and know how important it is for me to be strong and healthy again. I'd like to thank Akon, Alicia Keys, Eddie Vedder, Gwen Stefani and Joss Stone for getting me through my workout, and Enrique Iglesias for pulling me through the last five minutes. Couldn't have done it without you guys!


brionyskerjance said...

haha this is awesome, that is exactly what i thought when i read it. haha. i've been working out at home recently...doing some resistance training videos and some dancing with the stars but i will soon be returning to the gym :)

Irene said...

HaHa, I laugh at the gym :) Me and Billy Blanks hang out sometimes in the living room though....I havent seen him in a few weeks, er...months though....LOL

brionyskerjance said...

hey girl! check out my blog...there is a fun award i'd like to pass on to you :)