
I am a bad, bad blogger!

Shame on me! I have been totally blog-slacking and not because I want to . . . I have had another case of blogger's block, when everytime I sit down to write, a bunch of crap fills up my computer screen and I have to just walk away or do something else. My girlies haven't been feeling all that well lately, either, and I had a touch of it last week. So in the midst of our downtime, we've watched The Grinch about 123 times, and Ava is getting good at the Grinch face. Poor Stella!


Another thing I've been lately is a bad Christmas-carder. I haven't taken a single photo of the girls with the purpose of using it for a Christmas card, and at this point it's much too late, so everyone is getting New Year's Cards this year! But we are completely in the holiday spirit around here, leaving Christmas lights on all the time, listening to Christmas music constantly, and threatening to call Santa everytime the girls misbehave! I have a few shoots coming up this month but wedding wise, I am done until February so I'm planning on making a super grand 2009 entrance!

Happy Holidays!


brionyskerjance said...

i'm right there with ya...i haven't been faithful to blogging for the last couple weeks.

this pic captures so much personality...it is hahaha awesome!

Pam, John, Ryan, Sara said...

I LOVE the look on Ava. What a little devil and a little sweetheart all rolled up into one! Happy holidays to you and your family!

Larry said...

It wasn't that long ago that I photographed my daughters at one and three years! Wow... how the time flies. It was such a pleasure to meet the two of you last night. Thanks for attending our party and adding to the fun. I look forward to some fun photo making in the near future. Merry Christmas, Larry