
the loomis family

While there are snow storms everywhere right now, it seems, Montana is calm, peaceful . . . and really freaking cold! 8 below was the temperature outside when I met up with the beautiful Loomis family for some holiday photos. I'm not sure whether I'd rather have it be 30 and snowing or negative 8 and sunny, but either way, getting to spend some time with Diana and her family warmed me right up! Not only is Diana beautiful, but she is the a-maz-ing hot mama behind Hot Mama's Salsa, which I can now say is out-of-this-world, authentic, delicious and perfect in every way! And, she's a superhero because she is the only woman in the house :). What I love about watching her with her family is how much she clearly and effortlessly just adores her husband and children . . .


This is David, who is 13:


And Daniel is 6:


Just for fun . . . if you haven't noticed I'm all about these shots lately :)


When we brought the Poinsettas back inside, they were in some serious shock - hopefully they're happier now. Love this simple family photo in front of their beautiful home!


Did I mention how gorgeous Diana is?



After the holidays I'll be doing some photos of the kitchen and Diana's business, so here is a sneak peek of more of what's to come:



I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend-before-Christmas!

1 comment:

Irene said...

has this Salsa mamma been on Oprah? I swear there was some hot salsa mom i had seen on there before....