
boudoir, anyone?

What is it?
You, photographed in all of your sexiness.

Why do it?
Because every man out there is tired of getting the same ol' lame pair of boxers with hearts on them for Valentine's Day.

Oooh, I'm already embarassed!
Don't be. Nothing surprises me. The shoots are fun, I promise. I play wicked loud music and we sip champagne and sometimes I even turn a fan on to get your hair to do that Heidi Klum-thing!

What should I wear?
Whatever you want and feel the most beautiful and confident in! Bring a couple different sets, maybe some lingere? Definitely heels . . . don't worry, I won't make you walk in them.

Where do we do the shoot?
Your place or mine! I have plenty of natural light at my house and you are more than welcome to use my bathroom to get ready, and favorite Bobbi Brown lip gloss, too! It usually works best to do it at my house or a friend's, to ensure your lovah won't find out what you have up your sleeve.

Where can I see some of your boudoir work?
Well, in consideration of living in a smaller town where everybody knows your name, just shoot me an email at morgan@morganroofphotography.com if you are interested, and I will send you a link to view a password-protected gallery.

These shoots are fun and relaxed and I think such a fun and unique gift. I know it's barely Christmas, but Valentine's Day is next, so let's get a shoot scheduled to ensure plenty of time for you to get your prints and albums, and wrap them up in pretty red bows!

Happy Friday!


Monica Lattrell said...

What a great idea!!!!

Unknown said...

so does this mean when we all meet in Denver in December you can take mine, G's and Dani's? Well not together, well maybe that would be interesting as a gift as well!
love you xoxo

Unknown said...

I meant February...

Mom said...

would you want to do a boudoir shoot with your Mother??:)

Great idea though...I think most husbands would LOVE it!!

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