
sharon + dana

Sharon and Dana were my very last 2009 couple and I loved everything about them, their families, and this beautiful wedding in Hamilton, Montana. I had only met them once prior to their wedding day as they are both law students in Denver, but loved them immediately because they are not only so kind, funny and beautiful, but Dana is Boston-bred :). They had a church ceremony, which was followed by a reception held at Sharon's parents' home, complete with amazing views and very deep blue skies that are a photographer's dream! I am in LOVE with their portraits but owe all the credit to them . . . they are so in love, and the moment I began snapping away, they turned to each other and just genuinely melted into one another. All I had to do was focus and recompose. :)

Love this of Dana's mom watching Sharon getting ready :)

Sharon and Dana, thank you for including me in your day and making me feel so welcome! Muah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the photos and love the blog!!! Thanks so much for everything!! You were great and have such an amazing talent-thanks for sharing in our day with us!