Danielle and Dane met me on the grounds of the beautiful Gallatin River Lodge for a fun, flare-filled evening of shooting and I. am. in. love. I'm going to use this post to also talk about my love for extreme flare, backlight, and of course my love for Danielle and Daner ;).
In my couple short years as a full-time photographer, I have realized that it's not just the people in the photograph and your love for them that will move you, but it's the elements incorporated into the shoot that make a photograph stand out that much more. Some photographers use fun props, which I haven't dabbed into all that much, some use off-camera lighting (which I am itching to dive into), but for me, using flare and backlight are what make my heart beat a little faster when editing images and showing them to my client for the first time.
First, I focus quite a bit on the bride or bride-to-be during portraits because 1) the day really is about her, is it not? ;) and 2) how often do we have a picture taken of ourselves as women where we truly feel beautiful and sexy?

What I remember most about that photograph is that Danielle shifted her eyes before I took the picture and I loved her expression, so I made her redo it . . . and the other thing I remember is that the sun was high enough to make the flare pretty extreme, so I purposefully wanted to wash Dane out. This image is one of those images that is primarily about Danielle being beautiful . . . and almost every shoot where I pose like this, the man is happy to not be the focus (these are good men, by the way ;).
I used to cringe at a black and white photograph where flare is so dominant, but there's something about it now that tugs me. I only do it when the end result makes me jump up from my desk and pump my fist in the air shouting yes, yes, yes!

The other thing I love about that image is the genuine interaction and connection between these two love birds. Most couples feel a little awkward so I will stick to posing, but being able to capture moments like this (sorry for the cliche!) is why I loooooooove my job.
I also will rearrange myself to lose the flare, stress the backlight, and make the couple the center of attention, plain and simple.

Ahh, signature pose . . . :)

And a few more with no commentary ;)

Danielle also babysits the shorties for me once in a while - she actually even offers, knowing when I'm due for a little break. Don't ask me for her number because you won't get it! ;) Seriously, though - Danielle, you are adored more than you know, and Dane, you are a lucky man, and quite a gem yourself. Much love to you both always!!!
Happy New Year!
these are lovely. there is just something about a field and flare that makes me swoon :) haha beautiful set!
I love you theory on photographing the bride! I can't agree more. Hey, speaking of concentrating on the girl... I would love to hire you to photo graph me and Cecelia (and Bill if he is in town)! When can we schedule?
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