
the art of people-watching: las vegas edition!

So, we got home this afternoon from a whirlwind weekend spent in the very sunny and very hot Las Vegas, Nevada. I chose not to drag my camera and gear to restaurants and shows because it just didn't fit into any of my cute little clutch purses, but the time we spent at the pool on Saturday allowed for some very good people watching, and I did bring my camera just to see what I would come up with . . .

It's interesting to see what people read on the beach or by the pool . . .


A fellow picture-taker . . .

A very interesting choice of sunglasses!


Here we have what Carson called "posers." These guys stood up the entire time they were there so the ladies were sure to see their hot bods. Ha!

Getting the beer-drinking off and running . . .


And this is the Las Vegas airport, gate D5, at 5:00 in the morning on a Sunday.

We had a very nice time, but of course terribly missed a couple certain someones . . .

Ava definitely grew at least two inches while we were gone!

And this little doll gave us her best guilt trip by cutting two teeth!

So it's back to the real world now, of $4 glasses of wine and $1.00 bottles of water. I am actually afraid to check the balance of our checking account but I need to be brave. I can't even begin to count how many purchases began with the phrase, "What the hell, we're in Vegas!"

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!


Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Great pictures Morgan...Who did the girls get to spend the weekend with?
Sorry I bothered you, but I was having a blog panic, but I worked it out. How rude of me not even realizing you had been in Vegas all weekend and had to get groceries and of course spend time with your two adorable gals that I am sure missed you to peices. Anyway we will chat again soon. Thanks for all your continued support I cannot wait to see you and your family. I will cheers to you my $4 glass of wine......

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Sorry one more thing I think Alek and Stella are a perfect match. Have you seen my kids hair. It is just like Stella's in that picture. I have given up trying to tame it.......

Morgan LaMare said...

They ARE a perfect match, I can't wait for them to meet! I'm glad you figured out your blog problem, it's very terrifying to deal with that, we are so dependent on our blogs! :) The girls spent the weekend with the woman who is the primary caregiver of Stella at day care. She's an angel, the girls were in such great care. Hope you guys are having a fabulous evening and making the best of your last week in NC!!