
missy and jr's slideshow!

Don't waste any more time, click here to see some of my favorites from Missy and JR's engagement session! I want to give credit where credit is due, and the photo of the couple leaning up against the old rusty old car was inspired by the lovely and talented Melissa Jill.

Not much to report on the home front. It was a rainy, fairly quiet weekend. Stella is teething wicked bad and has slept a lot this weekend. This pretty much sums up how she feels about it . . .


But no, really, she is actually still a very happy baby!

She's discovering all kinds of new things . . .

Keep on rockin' in the free world, Stella!

And here's miss Ava Lottie, Miss Attitude, Miss Bring-It-On . . . I need to note that these pictures of Ava were taken by my friend, Nate, who is super talented in photography, videography and web design, as well as kite boarding, backcountry snowboarding and throwing sticks for his boxer, Summit.



Staya-Baya as Ava calls her, skirting around in the little ballerina skirt!

And getting a little backlight from the evening sun. I know she's mine, but seriously . . . so cute.

Hope you had a great weekend!

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