
my first week

So it turns out I LOVE being home with the girls, and I'm having a totally different experience as a mom at home versus a mom at work. Typically, I pick up the girls at 5:00 and we head home, sometimes stopping at the grocery store on the way. By the time we get home, the girls are hungry, cranky, and just plain old pissed off at me, it seems. This past week, it's been incredible. We are completely enjoying each other, I am so much more patient because I'm not stressing out about preparing dinner, keeping the house clean, etc. . . . it just happens as the day goes along and I take it as it comes. :)

So in other news, my sister is about to have a baby any day now, and she's miserable as all hell but I don't blame her, it's so freakin' frustrating to be pregnant and literally less than 5 days from your due date and NOTHING is happening. The funny thing is, with her, she's not even dilated or effaced or anything. With Stella, I was walking around at 4 centimeters for over a week and NOTHING. We each had our own reasons for being pissed off at the world. Being pregnant with Stella reminded me that there are no promises. These babies come when they're ready, it doesn't matter when your due date is, what your doctor says, what happened with your first child, what happened to your mom, your sister, etc. Anyway, we will be visiting Grant right after he's born so stay tuned for some super cute baby photos because I imagine he will be quite gorgeous considering my sister and her husband, Eric, are quite beautiful people themselves!

Hope everyone is enjoying their week after the 4th!

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