
the devil

I woke up this morning facing the inevitable. The devil. Oreo cookie crumbs implanted beneath my fingernails. Black, smoky thudge staring at me, reminding me that the night before, I poured myself a tall glass of whole milk and threw back the sandwich cookies.

I try and block these moments out of my mind. They usually happen around 11:00 or so, when I'm snuggling in for some Letterman and some late-night photo editing. It's crazy how by morning, I've completely spaced that I spent the last 20 minutes of my night awake pushing Oreo cookies drowned in milk down my throat, headed for my already-too-big belly. I tell myself, oh, I'll start tomorrow. It's been a long day. It's Friday! It's Thursday! It's Whenever! There's Oreos in the house - oh, and they are double stuffed , by the way. I had lunch with Kristen today and told her the story of cookie crumbs behind my nails, and she said, I do that too! I usually eat a row, do you eat a row? Um, HELLO! I LOVE me a row of Oreos! In fact, if I've already dove in, I tell myself, Okay, Mo, a row is totally okay . . . anything beyond that is a bit excessive. Just stick to a row.

Um, yeah. I crank my cookies out by the row. My secret is no longer safe.


Anonymous said...

HAHHAHAHAHHA!!!! This is soooo my favorite blog so far!!!! Too funny, that I could barely read it out loud to Joe without spitting out my milk-drenched oreo!!! j/k, but seriously, GREAT blog:)

Irene said...

LOL! I'm SOOOOOO glad I am not alone! What is it with oreo's SERIOUSLY? Why can't I just eat one, or two, or 3 even? WHY does it have to be the whole damn row? OK I confess, I've done 2 rows before ;)

brionyskerjance said...

oreo's are the best...i have a weakness for them too! you can never stop at just one :)

enigma said...

i loved your blog!!!
im very interstd in photography...i wud love to learn something from you!!!